Monday, October 04, 2004


Wherever you go, there are some guys who wait for you to finish all the work and then get credit for it by claiming that they did it themselves without anybody's help. I talked about this guy, who fought with me over making a small presentation. Today, I got to see 'his part' of the assignment. Basically, it was the same. He had changed the template, removed a couple of my slides, added a couple of slides of his own, listing a few websites, and that was it. Nothing else was done. He had excluded the work of the third member as he claimed they were 'not up to the mark'.

In the class today, he came to me and said, 'you have done most of the work, so you can relax for the next assignment'. But to others, he was giving the impression that he had done all the work himself and how I fought with him to dodge my work. I am sure the next assignment would also be done by me and he would try to get all the credits. He also did not send me the completed file so that I could prepare for the presentation. When I asked him about that in the class, he acted surprised - 'oh, you want to present too?'

He is one of those guys who can talk for hours non-stop about nothing. He started the presentation and then tried to do all the talking himself. It was a presentation on ethics and the duties of companies towards customers and all the examples that I had given, he explained then wrong! I thought he could not steal everything for himself! and I presented a small portion of it. After a few slides, he told me in front of everybody that he would take it from there. Again, he explained the examples wrong.

During the Q&A session, a few questions were asked about the companies mentioned, and he said that he got those in 'some web site', and 'does not remember where'. Did I tell you he was a weasel?


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