Thursday, May 13, 2021

The story of Pol Pot (Seeman's distant uncle) from Cambodia

 Whenever we try to explain the intensity of Seeman's stupidity, arrogance and ruthlessness, we compare him with Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany.

But the person about whom I'm going to talk about, will change your perception towards Seeman. In fact, after reading this article, you would stop comparing Seeman with Adolf Hitler and start comparing him with the person I'm gonna talk about here.

Now, mind you, whatever I'm gonna say here would sound like some Madan Gowri Anna's or Tamil Pokkisham Vicky Anna's video script but, these are actual historical events that took place in a small southeast Asian country called Cambodia from 1975-1979.

The person that I was talking about is none other late Pol Pot, former chairman and leader of Khmer Rouge, an armed communist organization which sought to take control over Cambodia via a civil war which took place between 1968-1975.

Here's the link on who is Pol Pot:

Here's a link on the Cambodian civil war:

Some facts here might be wrong but, the objective what I will be trying to say here is clear and evident.

The civil war in Cambodia began with an insurgency of Khmer Rouge in 1968 in Northern and eastern parts of Cambodia with the help of North Vietnamese army(Vietnam war was also going on during that time) and Chinese army.

Eventually, Pol Pot and his Khmer Rogue came to power in certain parts of Cambodia, while the other parts of Cambodia which wasn't under Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge, was under the control of Cambodian government including the capital of the country, Phnom Penh.

For a moment, there was a sigh of relief for the Cambodian government but, it short lived when America withdrew it's troops from the southeast Asian region.

Due to which, South Vietnamese capital fell into the hands of North Vietnamese army, unifying the two Vietnams into one Vietnam. Just like that, Cambodian capital Phnom Penh which fell into the hands of Khmer Rouge army, eventually leading to Pol Pot become a sole leader to all of Cambodia.

A side note about Pol Pot.

He was staunch communist whose version of communism was a mix of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Seeman might not be a communist but, what I'm gonna say will definitely shock you.

Pol Pot believed in transformation of capitalist Cambodian society into an agrarian socialist society. According to him, the only work for the people living in his utopia would be farming, cattle herding, fighting for the Pol Pot against enemy forces. He wanted to demolish industries and factories since he believed that industries and factories were a capitalist/western thing. He believed that it was the only way towards achieving true communism.

So, what he did to achieve that?

Simple, within three days of invading the capital city of Phnom Penh and rest of southern portion of Cambodia, he forcefully relocated all the people living in urban areas to rural areas or internment camps located in dense forests where they worked on collective farms or herded cattles. These people were forcefully made to march on their feet to their respective allocated internment camps. These people were forced to march at gunpoints without being given water or food or anything rest.

At that time, there were 2 million inhabitants living in the capital Phnom Penh. All of them faced the same fate and people living in other cities of Cambodia faced a similar fate. If 2 millions from Phnom Penh alone were marched, then imagine the number of people from other cities.

Industrial buildings and factories were demolished. Schools, educational institutions, hospitals and religious worship places were also demolished. People living in urban areas were falsely warned that the US Air Force bombers and jets were on their way to bomb their respective cities. On contrary, the last time US Air Force ever bombed Cambodia was two years ago, in 1973 and US had already withdrew it's troops from the region long time ago. Some believed this lie while others didn't. People who didn't believe or refused to move, were forced to do so at gunpoint or were just simply shot dead. The people were made to leave their belongings like cars, telephones, radios, jewelries, money behind since those things were considered capitalists/western imperialist inventions.

Anybody who questioned was made as an good example in front of others to let them know what would happen to them if they questioned the government.

This one incident itself in history is a big literal embodiment of "Vivasayam Paaruda mavane" but, bit more serious with people held at gunpoint.

The government had classified the rural population as a 'base people' and urban people as 'new people'. They did this classification just for mere administration purpose. Base people were often free. The Khmer Rouge troops never minded or supervised them since the base people were considered loyalists while the new people were suspected of secretly doing forbidden things which were considered capitalistic/western imperialistic. That's why, while the base people were left free, new people were subjected to harsh treatment by Khmer Rouge and were under constant supervision in their internment camps. They faces harsh labour and physical abuse from the supervising troops.

Wearing different, colourful and fancy clothes was banned. All were made to wear black shirt and black pajamas as their daily clothing. Nobody would be allowed to wear something else. Usage of western medicine and western technology was also banned. Many people died due to improper treatment available, this was further due to mass killings of educated intellectuals such as teachers and doctors by Khmer Rouge upon fearing that these intellectual people might start questioning the government.

Due to the lack of availability of trained doctors and ban on usage of western medicines, demolishing of Hospitals, many people succumbed to malnutrition and diseases.

If it was found that you are secretly a doctor who was secretly trying to help or treat a fellow internment mate, you would be brought to the killings field, the fields where people are called, where you would be beheaded. These are the same fields where the people who questioned the Khmer Rouge or Pol Pot were also executed in these fields.

Whenever a killing was to take place, the speakers would be turned on with increase in volume where people in the internment camps would listen to pre recorded propaganda speeches by Pol Pot and Propaganda music instead of screams of people being hacked to death in killing fields.

Children were forcefully separated from the families, sent to different regions of Cambodia to be trained as child soldiers for Khmer Rouge. They were fed with propaganda.

If you think this all heart wrenching, then there's more to come.

Khmer is the native ethnic community of Cambodia who spoke Khmer language. They formed 85% the total country's population.

Apart from this Khmer community, there were many other ethnic communities living in Cambodia during that time.

These communities were Chinese, Lao, Vietnamese, Thai, Cham etc.

Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge hated these communities. As you can suggest by the name of the organization itself, how did the Khmer Rouge and its chairman Pol Pot view the ethnic minorities and believed in Khmer supremacy.

There was no place for these minorities in his agrarian socialist society, capitalist free society. He wanted them to be gone.

The irony is, Pol Pot himself was a half a Chinese half Khmer.

After coming to power, Pol Pot either expelled or killed members of these communities. To let you the intensity of his ethnic persecution, the Vietnamese population in 1971 was 200,000. But, in 2011, the population was only 90,000.

In 1975, shortly after Khmer Rouge regime took power, a CIA station at US Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, intercepted a radio transmission in which there was an order to kill an entire village full of a non Khmer ethnic community. Thailand is a neighboring country to Cambodia. That's how the CIA intercepted the radio transmissions.

The links on ethnic persecutions during Pol Pot's period:,million%20people%20were%20starved%20and

People were banned from speaking any language of other than Khmer.

Speaking in French was also banned. I forgot to mention that Cambodia was a former French colony so, just like how elite in India used to speak English in the when our country was newly born, the elite in Cambodia used to speak French. Pol Pot hated this for obvious reasons.

People who practiced any religion were also subjected to persecution. The Buddhist monks in the country were literally used as bullock carts during Pol Pot's period time.

It wasn't until January of 1979, when Pol Plot's Khmer Rouge regime was overthrown by the unified Vietnamese army, shortly after a war between Vietnam and Cambodia which broke out in December of 1978.

The events which unfolded during the period of 1975-1979, the time when Pol Plot ruled Cambodia is known as Cambodian genocide.

The details about Cambodian genocide here:

There's even a movie on Cambodian genocide called 'First they called my father' directed by Angelina Jolie. It's a movie based on a novel with same title written by Loung Ung. Loung Ung is a survivor of Cambodian genocide and has written about her experience in the book. The movie is available on Netflix.

The movie details link:

The Novel details link:

Alright, enough of history, let's draw the parallels.

1) Seeman hates ethnic minorities living in Tamil Nadu, just like how Pol Pot hates ethnic minorities living in Cambodia. Pol Pot still went with his ethnic persecutions ideas despite being a half Chinese himself. Just like how Seeman Na has taught his thambis to hate on Telugus living in Tamil Nadu even though he himself is married to a woman of Telugu ancestry.

2) Seeman gives no shit about other sectors except farming. Pol Plot literally established an agrarian socialist society that Seeman has been dreaming of for a while. Both are admirers of 'Vivasayam paaruda mavane' scheme.

3) Seeman hates western medical science and western science as much as Pol Pot hated western medicine, western medical science during his time.

4) Seeman hates when a guy doesn't talk in Tamil. He wants people of Tamil Nadu to only speak Tamil and no other language. Just like Pol Pot who banned usage of any other language except Khmer. Seeman hates Tamil people speaking in English. Pol Pot used to hate Khmer people who spoke French.

5) Seeman hates when someone criticizes him or questions him. Much like Pol Pot.

6) Today, with 2021 elections, we can say that Seeman has gained lot of popularity in rural areas. Surprisingly, during the Cambodian civil war(1968-1975) and after the end of civil war, many rural Cambodians supported the Pol Pot government. The Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge regime had a popularity and influence over the rural population of Cambodia at that time.

So now, who do you think Seeman shares more similarities with? Adolf Hitler or Pol Pot?

Now one might ask, "What's the need to post this write-up?"

Well, taking Seeman seriously or criticizing wouldn't do anything to him. In fact, he gives no shit. Even after getting this much trolled and criticized, he is still out there.

Still, I'm posting this all because I desperately want to put some sense into the minds of brain dead thambis, if possible.

Seeman says one thing, has other thing in mind and does some other thing. He would say one thing now, but later say other thing, which would contradict the thing he said earlier. This is why he shouldn't be taken seriously and criticizing and trolling him is of no use.

Seeman is just a joker. A clown.

It's the Tamil youth we need to worry about. The same youth who hold onto his childish ideas and take it all seriously.

Even if tomorrow, hypothetically, Seeman leaves politics, his brain dead thambis would still hold onto his ideas and pass it to others like a virus.

If you ask them how are they gonna save farming and farmers, they would give some very regressive and cringey ideas. They would simply say that we need more people in farming sector without realizing the already existing underemployment in agricultural sector.

They blindly believe Seeman's words that foods produced from high yield variety seeds cause health issues when there's actually no scientific evidence on it.

They don't know anything about farming like in which month crops are harvested, in which season what type of crops are harvested and what type of seeds are sowed at what period of times. They just simply say they need to save farming and farmers without any knowledge on it. They don't know what underemployment is, if they did, they wouldn't be saying that we need more people in farming.

My humble request to all NTK supporters would be to please start reading books and articles written by mindful people. Listen to podcasts and speeches of mindful of people and watch YouTube videos of experts. Not videos of Palani or Saattai Durai Murugan on YouTube. Start questioning your supreme leader Seeman. Ask yourself whether is this guy really the change you wanted.

It's for your sake that I'm writing such a long post.

Why online Adhibar Annan's "Vivasayam paaruda pundamavane" scheme is a bad idea

Actually, in India, the agricultural sector has too many labour force that we need to decrease the number of people already working in agricultural sector.

Many of the work force in Indian agricultural sector is underemployed.

Do these grease dabbas even know the meaning of the term underemployed?

Due to this high underemployment, we actually need to decrease the employment force in agricultural and increase it in IT and Industrial sector.

These are the words literally written in 9th std social science books.

If these NTK morons had ever studied anything written in the book properly, they would know these things.

By making others to forcefully get employed in agricultural sector, you are just gonna increase the pressure on agricultural sector in terms of employment and more people would be underemployed. Making the already worsened situation even more worse.

It's clearly written in the 9th std social science books itself that we need to decrease the already existing underemployed work force in Indian agricultural sector. That's the only solution to improve the agrarian economy and overall economy of India.

We need to increase our investment and employment on IT and industrial sectors. Only then, we would ever be able to become a true super power.

Again, that doesn't mean we should completely let agricultural sector to die out. We can introduce schemes that would help the farmers in times of floods and drought.

We can also waive off the farming debts as much as possible.

Other than these, employing more people would only end bad.

Somebody save this society from these idiots.

Anybody with basic knowledge would never follow Seeman. I can't believe there are morons who believe their Online Adhibar Messiah more than their school books.

I'm also linking the textbook answer related to underemployment in agricultural sector since most morons here never bothered to look into their books.



Over farming leads to soil depletion and the crops are often less nutritious than it was 10 years ago. Farming fields should be given time to restore its fertility by alternating fields between growing season. But its easier said than done since farmers need to capitalize on each season to make a living.

Plus excessive use of fertilizers also reduce the nutrients in soil. The only solution is using organic fertilizers and non GMO farming but its really DAMN expensive to practice. Only the rich can really afford to do organic farming bearing in mind the operational cost alone.

That's why GMO crops are preferred because its high yielding, pest resistive and profitable. But GMO crops are demonized as less nutritious than organic crops.

Who said GMOs are less nutritious?

Have heard about golden rice? It has high amount of B-carotene in any form of rice

How about BT-cotton without it garment industries and poor farmers will be dusted by insects

Or about Ti plasmid tumor that makes tomato unable to consumable was cured and eradicated by this same genetic engineerin

Hirudin is a protein that prevents blood clotting its gene was chemically synthesized and was transferred to brassica napus where it accumulated in seed now it is extracted for medicinal proposes

Use of GMOs help in pollution abatement it also included usage of several bio treatment technologies like phyto remediation and heps in removal of xenobiotic compounds from gases and solid

Transgenic plants and GMOs can produce a variety of proteins used in diagnostic for detecting and curing human and animal disease in large scale and low cost the monoclonal antibodies,peptide hormones and cytokinins and blood plasma proteins are being produced in GMO and their parts such as tobacco (in leaves) potato ( tubers) sugarcane (stem)

 Those Tamil actors and directors have no idea how hard its to do farming. Only a big shot "PANNAIYAR" can be rich by doing farming. Trust me, its really DAMN hard to do farming these days.


Denial Toolkit for the centrist Virat Hindu in dharmasankat


Are you a wanna be Virat Hindu morally corrupted by mlecha liberalism?

Can you not reconcile the horrific castest, sexist, anti-humanitarian, barbaric practices of Hinduism throughout history with your belief in the supreme greatness of our 10 billion year old religion and culture?

Does it bother you that the most sacred Hindu pooja involves throwing valuable resources in large quantities into fire like an idiot?

No? That you might not have thought of.

If these kinds of questions bother you, you are not able to compartmentalize you rationalism away from religion and culture. Compartmentalizing logic and superstition is a unique feature of the human kind. It allows us to selectively use logic where it absolutely necessary( like nobody is going to claim gravity is a western concept and prove it by jumping off a roof) but suspend all logic and reason when it is not that obvious( like Cronil will cure Corona or Cowdung absorbs radiation) . Usually this biological blunder is enough for the our common ilk. However for the slightly more educated idiots we need to use a different approach.

Now if you do satisfy the criterion specified before, then you are stupid enough to understand reason but smart, egoistic and tribal enough to not let go of our glorious culture. As you can see what prevents you from being a full fledged Virat Hindu is reason. If we are to convince your reason of the the true glory of our Aryan Civilization, then you will become the greatest asset to achieving our goal of Hindu dominance. When you are done with this you would be able to work in ISRO guiding a rocket with one had and doing a Ganapathi pooja with another with no internal conflict whatsoever.

The prerequisite you need to have is the belief that Hinduism is perfect, complete and contains the ultimate knowledge. Once you have this everything else becomes easy. Now lets look at the strategies we can use to purge Hinduism of its bad name and make you Dharmasankat free.

Hinduism is science

Bothered about poojas making no sense? Worried about why your ancestors threw valuables into fire? Now the common Hindu might think they are offerings to gods. But not for you. For you it is a deep scientific process where the vibrations of the mantras align with the magnetic field of the earth creating an energy force field that makes you mind clear. The smoke from the fire when combined with the power of the mantras cleanse your body of all impurities. Western Science is yet to understand the complexities of ritual chanting and the healing power of mostly carbon dioxide smoke. Now if you can include Quantum somewhere there it will be better. It makes anything sound more scientific.

Hinduism conflicting with Science

Hinduism can never conflict with science. If it does, science is wrong or incomplete and they are yet to figure out how to understand the true essence of our grand Vedic knowledge. Cow dung doesn't absorb radiation? They don't have the sensors to detect it. Cow dung doesn't contain gold? Science is yet to find a way to extract gold from cow dung. Remember, Hinduism is always right and western science is arrogant and ignorant.

Caste system in Hinduism

This is an easy one. You should first deny it exists at all. Your second name might give you some trouble and the fact that your family marries within your caste might bother you. But this is not because of caste but because of culture. Your second name is just a cultural identity, being endogamous is because of cultural compatibility. If that doesn't work just ask why Muslims and Christians only marry within their religion. The moment you hear Muslims, all your doubt will vanish in an instant. If you are a native Indian and not a first or second generation NRI try thinking about reservation. This should convince you that even if caste exists its all because of the lower castes.

Say you can't deny the existence of caste at all. What about caste system in the past you might ask. This is where the British comes in. Blame everything on the British or Portuguese. Say they took a caste survey and interpreted jathi as caste, caste as varna and varna as color and color as jathi. Make it confusing enough that your natural denial kicks in and that you can't think any more. You might wonder how the English speaking British that could barely collect tax on time could go and teach illiterate Indian villagers about caste. Or you might wonder how the princely states on which the British had no direct control had caste. Such thought process you should avoid. You are already ready to deny a historical reality. Such trivialities shouldn't bother you.

But what about caste in historical texts? You might wonder. There are two ways to go about this. One is intellectual jugglery. Deny that the caste in the historical texts is the same as jathi. Claim that caste was based on Karma and not birth. No, don't pry too deep into Karma or how it passes on as you reincarnate. There might also be literature that contradicts this claim which you should not look up. Now you might not find one character in all of the Hindu canon whose caste was not determined by lineage. But we have made the contingency plan of making Vyasa and Valmiki Shudra to appease the lower caste and confused Hindus like you just in case. This should fix it as long as you never bother checking their ancestry.

Barbaric cultural practices like Sati, Child marriage, female infanticide, Patriarchy

Blame the Muslims. Our great ancestors allowed pedophilia, child abuse and threw women into fire fearing Muslims will kidnap and rape them. Some even took the extreme step of killing the female baby just to save the poor soul from future humiliation. Look how altruistic our culture is and you dared to doubt it. Don't ask why sathi was only prevalent in one part of India and not other places that had Muslim rule.

Patriarchy was forced upon us by Muslims. We always respected women. Look at the female gods we worship. Muslims taught us to beat wives and do honor killings and what not. But they never taught us widow remarriage. We made sure our women are never tortured into another relationship and they spend their entire life mourning her late husband like they wish.

Do not ask why even Muslims allowed child marriage. Don't even bother thinking why only widows were throw into fire as if Muslims would only kidnap, widows and unmarried women. This kind of thinking will lead to horrible contradictions. We keep our culture alive by our sheer will blocking all rational thought. This is not as hard as you think for most Hindus. Just to make these more convincing our agents have already edited the Wikipedia page last year to blame child marriage on Muslims. This will make things much easier.

Government told court that Gay marriage is not part of Indian culture

You might find this absurd. Hindus are obviously split on this. Culturally, most Hindus don't want gay marriage. But the educated ones don't want Hinduism to be bigoted against gays. How will we reconcile this? Simple The greatest asset of Hinduism is that there is no Hinduism. Unlike the inferior Abhrahamic variety, Hinduism has no central text and if we do have any, nobody reads those anyway. Whatever we say today becomes Hinduism. So today the government told the court that gay marriage doesn't align with our Indian Culture. No, problem. When people finally become accepting of gay marriage we will just say Hinduism always respected gays and had gay marriages. We will even find some story from the puranas and twist it around to make it accepting of gay marriages, We have 33 thousand gods. Just make one gay. Problem solved.

What if I still have dharmasankat?

If thinking still gets in your way, just imagine a Muslim, take a deep breath, slowly inhale that hate in, hold it for 4 seconds, allow that hate to seep into your bones and breath out your humanity slowly. Repeat this 20 times in kukkudasana till you finally achieve peak hate. It has double effect if you play Sadguru's video on masturbation in the background without thinking about a hot person of the opposite sex.