Saturday, September 25, 2004


There has been some rumours going on in my campus that there are ghosts. Many people have reported seeing a ghost, an apparition without a head and without lower limbs floating around the back-gate of our institute. Our insti was built over a TB hospital and during construction, apparently, many half-rotten bodies were excavated. Even the guards have swore of seeing ghosts and eerie noises where the yet-to-be occupied teachers' quarters area.

It is said that a few days back, one of the mess workers who lived closeby and had to go home late at night, around 2 am, saw a ghost and quit job immediately. Last night, one of my classmates sent a scary message to our bulletin board. It said what the people said were true and he indeed saw a ghost and it looked exactly like what he described. This was followed by a tirade of ghost jokes, targeting the females, a few guys and the only professor who stayed at the quarters. This morning, when I talked to the guy, he said that he 'exactly' did not see the spook, but one hearing a noise and seeing a shadow, he fled the scene to the safety of the hostel.

While this place, a small hillock, was appropriated for the founding of our insti, there was a hospital and a temple upon the hill. There was a lot of resistance from the locals and the local politicians. Even though the hospital was shifted and the temple was allowed to stay within, they vehemently tried to stop the shifting. I personally believe that it was these guys who started the story about the ghost to delay construction of our insti.

While I can understand the fear of the the uneducated, mired in superstition locals and the mess workers, I could not understand why a highly educated guy could believe that a shadow would be a ghost. The same thing goes for other paranormal and mythical creatures like unicorns, Satan and God, etc.

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