Friday, September 17, 2004

Monkey Tale

I am testing publishing through email now. I just noticed my profile
now. According to the birthday I have given to blogger, it found out
that I was born in the year of the monkey. I think this is according
to the Chinese calendar. Maybe that's why I behave like I do. Even in
my childhood days, my uncles and neighbours used to call me a
two-tailed monkey. That means I am twice as potent as a monkey. The
premise is that longer the tail of a monkey, more mischievous it is.
Maybe that's why you can see the monkey antics of the rhesus monkey
and the apes are just lazy. I upheld this theory by staying up half my
waking up time in a nearby tree. What am I to do? I was born in the
year of the monkey! Ciao.

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